
Nisan, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Nos instan a protestar en todo el mundo y no hay gente, ningún país piensa diferente, que olsada han adoptado diferentes vistas de un siyek contra dom okratik quienes se oponen a oponerse a la destrucción de alguna manera te muestras respaldado-Abd Venezuela también hizo la protesta golpe Deje mustafaveli108simplesite.co I adatepe341blogspot.co I
US urge to protest all over the world y no people, no country thinks differently, I olsada have adopted different views of a siyek anti dom okratik those who oppose oppose the destruction somehow you show yourself Abd-backed Venezuela also made the coup protest Let mustafaveli108simplesite.co I adatepe341blogspot.co I
ABD yi tüm dünya yı protesto etmeye çağırıyorum hiçbir insan hiçbir ülke farklı düşünüyor diye farklı bir siyesi görüş benimsemiş olsada anti dom okratik birşekilde yok edilmesine karşıyım karşı olanlar kendini göstersin Abd destekli venezüella da yapılan darbe girişimini protesto edelim mustafaveli108simplesite.com adatepe341blogspot.com
Queridos amigos, ¿cómo están ustedes durante años, Sudamérica, Europa o el mundo?      Hablé sobre la migración de las tribus de Asia Central en todo el lugar y llegué a millones de personas      no hay necesidad de google + plus tan y facebook tan millones de amigos se convirtieron en mi amigo y en todos ellos mindfaveli108simplesite.com.@adatepe341instigram.
MISSION OF THE CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH FIGHTERS The work of the migration of Central Asian Turkish tribes is an academic scientific history research that needs to be read and facts stored for millions of years adingpe341blogspot.com mustafaveli108simplesite.com.@adatepe341
I tolerate a Turkish khan Granddaughter Based on Central Asia and Caucasus it was for it, and run the Central Asia I'm telling the truth and explores the history of Caucasus as plain and simple as it is right now my internet world, or I'm telling my .mustafaveli108simplesite.co You know to reach the read address adatepe341blogspot.co
CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH FIGURES MIGRATION. The migration of Central Asian Turkish tribes The world is a historical fact The first migrations started after 200-250 and continued until 600-800. The largest of the events brought by this migration was the establishment of the Western Hun empire. Babürşah is the truth in the West of the Supreme Turkish khan of Atilla has established the Western Hun As a result of these migrations many folks emerged Originally ancestors of Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and other nations Ancestors of many nations who live in Europe are Turkish tribes Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark His ancestors are Turkish tribes Turkish ancestors of many nations living in Central Europe the Teutons, the Teutons, the Tatars, the Huns and all other tribes Turkish tribes of the American continent Turkish tribes crossing the Bosphorus are the first owners of the American continent, and are known as indios or Indians, and are the first people of the continen
My dear friends, the migration of Central Asian Turkish tribes is a bridge from the past to the future    and it keeps the light on the future so we need to know and understand this work very well    the world has been announced and millions have been    North and Central Europe Western, mainly South American countries.    It was transported up to Europe and far Asia, and studied it with millions of people    mustafaveli108simplesite.com, adatepe341blogspot.com We also announce from Medium Tumblr    share from twitter

Sekelistan çocukları Plevne Marşı ile Macar Parlamentosunda

Central Asian Turkish tribes all over the world must read the migration because they know that working in a mug, but to read it and learn by bilirler.mustafaveli108simplesite.co I'm adatepe341blogspot.com

Sekelistan çocukları Plevne Marşı ile Macar Parlamentosunda

Central Asian Turkish tribes all over the world must read the migration because they know that working in a mug, but to read it and learn by bilirler.mustafaveli108simplesite.co I'm adatepe341blogspot.com
Central Asian Turkish tribes all over the world must read the migration because they know that working in a mug, but to read it and learn by bilirler.mustafaveli108simplesite.co I'm adatepe341blogspot.com
CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH FIGURES PICTURES OF THE MIGRATION. http // mustafaveli108simplesite.co. Adatepe341blogsğot.co. @ Adatepe3412019instigra I .ertugruldemirozcan.medium.tumblr twitter.
Dear Oxford univetrsity Central Asian Turkish tribes that migrated to Central Asia start of the event, Europe, Asia and Far US and South America by going to document and binletr atrih, i metamorphism My research results revealed çıkmıştır.mustafaveli108simplesite.com
Dear friends I am a noble Caucasus lıyım so blind Hunan karaçay I am great-grandfather was so Karachay Hakani me from my father as a last paragraph Hakan Torun In fact I'm the the prince karaçay Turkey I'm a Marine Marine Officer as a faculty member at university I've served you all respects.mustafaveli108simplesite.com
dikkat Bahçeli Ülkeyi gererek ülkeyi bir iç savaşa sürüklemek istiyor   bahçeli, Abd den aldığı talimatlaramı uyuyor bu hınç vekin niye bu ülke   Türkiye Caumhuriyetidir bu milletin adı yüce Türk milletidir ortalığı germek   ortalığı karıştırmak bahçeliye de fayda sağlamaz mustafaveli108simplesite.com
My dear friends simplesite 3400 instigram 800 people on two separate pages we have a total of 5200 people and my medium page mustafaveli108simplesite.com
THE MUSLIMS OF THE 90 MILLION DURING THE TURKISH AND THE WORLD CONTAINS ON THE WORLD IS THE CONTINUING OF THE TURKISH CHAPTER THAT IS THE MOST OF THE TURKISH CHURCH (Karachay-Balkaria: Къарачайлыла — Karaçaylıla or таулу — tawlu “mountainous”, pl. — Alan, pl. Аланла — Buy it [2]; Ironman by Ossetians dialect: асиаг — Asiag [3]; other Ossetians dialect: æссон — Aesso’s [3]; Mingrelian: ალანი — Alani [3]; Nogai: Aлани — Alani [4 ]; Svanca: lar /, — Az / Ovs [3]; Kabardian: Куша — Kusha [5]) is one of the Turkish peoples. Most of them live in Russia-Karachay-Cherkessia. The Karachay-Malkar Turks have been the two brothers who have lived in villages in the high valley and deep valleys of the Elbrus Mountain (Mingi Tav), the highest peak of the Caucasus Mountains for centuries. Karachaylılar at one end of the Elbrus mountain, the other living on the side of the Balkans. Apart from this geographical location, there is no difference between them. In the 1920s, due to the Soviet Union’s “
history and science has always attracted people's migration to Central Asian nations would also recommend that you read one of them Read it and send me a suggestion mustafaveli108simplesite.co @ adatepe3412019 instgra I'm adatepe341blogspot.com
Meine lieben Freunde, Sie kennen die Wahrheit, aber Sie wissen, dass Sie der Deutsche sind, die Wikinger. und andere wissen, dass die türkischen Stämme die Migration der zentralasiatischen Stämme gelesen haben mustafaveli108simplesite.com @ adatepe341blogspot.com
Bu gün Akp genel başkan yardımcısı çıkmış Hukuk falan diyor beyefen bundan önceki melih gökçek mansur yavaşın katıldığı seçimlerde,de bir sürü yolsuzluklar yapıldı muharrem ince Erdoğan yarışmasın da da birsürü yolsuzluk yapuıldı ölüler oy kulandı bir sürü taşıma seçmen getirildi Cumhur başkanlığı seçimininde iptali gerekir 18 yıllık iktidarınız sorgulanır.mustafaveli108simplesite.com
CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH FIGURES MIGRATION. KARAÇAY on. Precious google + friends and simplesite.com taqkipçiler This is a racist and political side of the migration of the Central Asian Turkish tribes there is no such work is the exposing of the truth of a scientist and we have no other thought Many world universities have published many articles that have done work on this Topic and has no intention de kenidi in his work while preparing for the death of the world during the work of this world to be told we have tried to tell the world as much as we can to keep this work secret, to millions of people Now we've heard everyone from Amewrik to Asia and Europe and the work we've got is a world-class study no historian has ever appealed to any of the historians, so this central Asia Turkish tribes power with this work found the real place now people who read this fact has begun to understand the reality of this migration on the world is the reason why the foreign sc
The People of the Central Asian Immigration Today You do not know yourself as the Nationalist. one. it is real   It is a case in which nationalists do not know it, when everyone becomes a nationalist and loves to make racism. I adatepe341blogspot.com.mustafaveli108simplesite.com
iktidar ülkeyi yönetemiyor yani bir seçim güvenliği sağlıyamayan ve seçimlerde şaibe vardemesi Türkiye  de yapılan Tüm seçimleri zan altında bırakmazmı yani 18 yıldır yapılan seçi,mlere halk nasıl güvenezcek.mustafaveli108simplesite.com
Dear friends, I wish you all happy peaceful days I'm very happy to know you and you have given me the power of the Central Asian tribes of the world we have announced this success is the success of all of us mustafaveli108simplesite.com 3279 people instigram 800 people twitter 550 people medium 2300 people dir adatepe341blogspot. com is 1000 people
I hun noble karaçay and I'm from and great-grandfather Attila the Hun, s kin d and Caucasus in Karachai rights that, I was the Central Asian nations you will support the migration of 15 thousand annual Turkey and you will see the historic hun mustafaveli108simplesite.com
Dear friends, I thank you infinitely for 4641 you gave my friend you've helped support the Central Asian tribes migrated to tell the world or I İnstigra, two people on my 774 I simplesite.co We have a total of 811 people in 3250 people blogger 4835 people Address you all forever .adatepe341blogspot.co mustafaveli108simplesite.co I know you can ask me questions or summer I adatepe341@gmail.co the adatepe341@outlok.co address
My dear friends surely everyone should read the migration of Central Asian tribes because of this historic event when read anlaqşıl will dominate the world or peace and love I mustafaveli108simplesite.com
a migración turca queridos amigos de Asia Central de tribus, desnudos Google+ plus diagnóstico seguido por Venezuela, Argentina Brasil Paraguay Ururguay, colombii, Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia, Polonia, mis amigos que se derivan de Macaqris me instigra I, Tumblr, Twitter de Medio puede seguir mustafaveli108simplesite.com
migração queridos amigos da Ásia Central turca de tribos, nus Google+ mais o diagnóstico seguido por Venezuela, Argentina Brasil ururguay Paraguai, colombii, Suécia, Noruega, Finlândia, Polónia, meus amigos, que seguem a partir de Macaqris me instigra I, Tumblr, de Twitter Médio Você pode acompanharmustafaveli108simplesite.com
Dear friends Central Asian Turkish migration of tribes, nudes Google+ plus diagnosis followed by Venezuela, Argentina Brazil ururguay Paraguay, colombii, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, my friends who follow from from Macaqris me instigra I, Tumblr, de Medium twitter can follow
Değerli dostlarım Orta Asya Türk Kavimler göçü,nü Google+plus tan takip eden Venezüella,Arjantin Brezilya ururguay Paraguay ,colombiia,İsveç,Norveç ,Finlandiya,Polonya,Macaqristan dan takip eden dostlarım Beni instigram,Tumblr,Medium twitter den takip edebilirsiniz
West Dear friends, the very thing that the Turks knew even know the right stores    There is a 1-Turks are all homogeneous as 2-Karaites believe in the religion of Islam in Turkey    A majority of Jewish religious Christians believe are the Huns Configure 3-Gagauz    sequels, Volga Bulgars Kuman canvas Kipchak Turks, and Turkey strains or other    Configure Christians or Samand is little known on the world that the European    A large part of the Turkish ancestors stood hun yaqn Ata kind of close to All    These facts are absolutely disrespectful learn to read from my mustafaveli108simplesite.co    The ERTUĞRUL DEMİRÖZC   WORLD MARITIME UNIVERSITY LECTURERS SWEDEN   THE PRINCE AND THE HEIRS of KARAÇAY
dear friends friendship   I think people become friends to know each other   I traveled to 72 countries and I had a friend in every country I went to, and with many of them   still a friend is a must for getting rid of the loneliness   The friendship of the two opposite sexes is very different and they want attention and attention.   varies according to the country we are   but if you are friends in other countries you don't care too much   One day I was walking around in Argentina and just playing latin music.   I was walking past a music hall and I wanted to get in.   I'm standing at the door I asked me first where I'm from you I'm Turkish I'm interested   and they came together and sat at the same table and had fun together and   we have been a very good friend.mustafaveli108simplesite.com
World, the name of the wars in the name of the name of the race is preparing the end of humanity.    This is a great moment when we look at the migration of the tribes that took place millions of years ago.    The human community has revealed that the same race and the same soy is based on the cheek i    The fact that many races are related to each other is the fact that we    We are the Huns, so we are the Ancestors of the Turks in the world, with many races in the world    Our relatives are certain that the first migrations of the tribe before the migration of these tribes    began in the years 200-250 BC and before the 800-850    the majority of the tribes who participated in these migrations    and documents found to be Turkish tribes    These migrations were made to either 1-American continent, 2-east, or 3-west to 4-north, e and far east, or    1-Etrux State 2-West Hun State was established as a result of migration to Europe    In the East, the Mughal Empire was estab
Dear Friends today's world, people are divided on the managed     Artificial divisions are produced artificially fights behind it, especially being Abd,    We're the ones located to the imperial powers to disrupt these games in Central Asia    Our tribes that you have read the migration very good il get our religious language,    We göreceksiniz.mustafaveli108simplesite.com that all of the relatives we would separate
The world's secret history simplesite.com read it from all over the world     and the total number of people browsing the page was 3179 people so this is a great achievement people     have forgotten my history mustafaveli108simplesite.com     endless thanks to everyone who browses