THE MUSLIMS OF THE 90 MILLION DURING THE TURKISH AND THE WORLD CONTAINS ON THE WORLD IS THE CONTINUING OF THE TURKISH CHAPTER THAT IS THE MOST OF THE TURKISH CHURCH (Karachay-Balkaria: Къарачайлыла — Karaçaylıla or таулу — tawlu “mountainous”, pl. — Alan, pl. Аланла — Buy it [2]; Ironman by Ossetians dialect: асиаг — Asiag [3]; other Ossetians dialect: æссон — Aesso’s [3]; Mingrelian: ალანი — Alani [3]; Nogai: Aлани — Alani [4 ]; Svanca: lar /, — Az / Ovs [3]; Kabardian: Куша — Kusha [5]) is one of the Turkish peoples. Most of them live in Russia-Karachay-Cherkessia. The Karachay-Malkar Turks have been the two brothers who have lived in villages in the high valley and deep valleys of the Elbrus Mountain (Mingi Tav), the highest peak of the Caucasus Mountains for centuries. Karachaylılar at one end of the Elbrus mountain, the other living on the side of the Balkans. Apart from this geographical location, there is no difference between them. In the 1920s, due to the Soviet Union’s “Collectivism” policy, many Karachay-Malar families living in the mountain villages were settled in the plain and settled in the new villages. Their language is from the western Turkish language group. It can be classified in Kipchak and Kipchak subgroup. It is similar to Kumstik and Nogay language in North Caucasus. Historical, anthropological, archaeological and linguistic studies reveal that the Karachay-Balkars were the descendants of the Turkish tribes who dominated this region for long centuries. Turkish tribes such as the Huns-Black Bulgars, Fields, Khazars and Kipchaks have a share in the formation of the ethnic structure of the Karachay-Malkar people. They were not subject to the Russian rule until 1828, after which the Karachevans and the Circassians fought the Russians until 1862. In 1864, when Circassia, including Karachay, was invaded by Russia, there was a large deportation. From time to time Russian invasion of the Caucasus at the end of 1880 a part of the Karachai-Balkarian people were forced to emigrate to Turkey and other Caucasian tribes. Today about 25 thousand Karachay-Balkarians the descendants of these immigrants in Turkey is 10 000 Karachay-Balkarians in Syria, some of them live in the United States. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the excitement of independence took place in the whole Caucasus, and in 1918 in Karachay-Malkarda. But this excitement was suppressed by the White Army. Then the Red Army attack began. In 1920 the White Army was expelled from the region by the Red Army, and Karachay-Balkar became involved in the “Soviet” system. In January 1921, the Russian SFSC (RSFSC) and the Karachay and Balkar national octaves were included in the Dağli ÖSSC. Karachay Okrugu, who left this autonomous republic, took part in the ‘Karachay-Cherkessiai Autonomous Oblast’ (province), which was approved in January 1922. In 1926, the center was divided into the center of the Karachayevsk city, the Karachay Autonomous Oblast and the central Cherkessk-Circassian National Okrug. ‘Circassian National Okrug’, ‘Circassian Autonomous Oblast’ was held in 1928. In August 1942, the German army entered Karachay’s territory and remained in the area for five months. Karachay-Malcharls continued their struggle against the Soviets until the end of 1943. Meanwhile, they also led anti-Russian movements in the Caucasus. During these struggles, they suffered large population losses. The district was cleared from the Germans in January 1943. On November 2, 1943 and March 8, 1944, the Karachay-Malkar population was expelled to Central Asia (Karachays Kazakhstan, Balkars to Kyrgyzstan) because of their cooperation with the German army. However, thousands of Karachai-Balkans were in the ranks of the Soviet Army during the German occupation. During his exile, several Karachaians died. On 2 November 1943, the Karachevans were expelled from their homelands on March 8, 1944, and were subjected to total exile, ethnic cleansing and genocide. They gave him a big loss during the exile. Svans, which were brought from Georgia to the former Karachay lands connected to Georgia, were placed. Karachay-Malkarlar (Balkar), who remained in exile for 14 years, was reinstated in 1956. In 1957, the Karachaevo-Cherkessiai Autonomous Oblast was rebuilt as before 1926, and the Karachays, like the Balkars, were brought back. Oblast remained an autonomous republic of the RSFSC on 3 July 1991, then remained in the Russian Federation, formed at the end of December 1991. Karachay-Cherkess Republic Karachay 739 470 2002 169 198 of the total population (63.5%), 147 878 ​​Russians (11.65%), 11.3 Circassian (1.3%; and Kabardino Besleneys), 22.346’s Abaza (% Nogay (13.4%) and 5 languages ​​(Russian, Karachay, Kabartay, Abaza and Nogay languages) are official languages. 17th Century Nogay migration to the region and contacts of the Crimean Tatars helped the Karachays recognize Islam. However, according to another rumor, the Karachay-Balkans who accept Islam in the 18th century lived Ishak Efend


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Karaçay - Çerkesya