Armenians are attacking Turks all over the world, they insult Turks, but when we explain the genocide of Armenians on Facebook, this prevents my anti-Turkish Armenian pro-facebook page.
Everyone should react to the disgrace on Facebook. What does this post have to do with hate speech?

What Armenian Gangs Apply to Turks
Violence and Genocide

The “kufar unity”, which plots insidious games to smash our religion and homeland, has found the opportunity to move its horse freely and comfortably thanks to the “tolerance” and “dialogue” corruption. seizing the opportunity he has sought for years, he staged the play of "Armenian genocide", which has no basis other than "lies" and "slander".

Ottoman archive documents and historical findings of the period clearly show that; The so-called "intellectuals", who always stand in favor of "kufar" and their "rights" (!) and who have fallen into the darkness of ignorance and ignorance; they became a partner in this ugly "genocide" because they attempted.


Armenians to the Ottoman Government
Why Did They Rebell?
The "armenian group", which was included in the "government of the Ottoman Empire" during the reign of the Sultan "Süleyman Hân-ı Kânûnî" and "engaged in its works, powers, arts and trade" for centuries, and "loyalty in the state", which was not in doubt. , (1) II. After the declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy, provoked by the "kufar unity" of the time, it rebelled and became a great trouble for the Ottoman Empire.

The reason that drove them to this great revival was that the foreign states and some domestic traitors clamoring for "right, law, freedom" were trying to "save only themselves and their own peoples" and the "sharp" wise among them were eager to leave the government. (2) This consisted of three or five bands of vagrants who rebelled against the state by organizing “the sharp 'clever wise' Hınçâk and Troşâk '' and '' Dashnaksuti's names and mischief committees and obtaining a few priests'. (3) On the one hand, the coyote flock encouraged and provoked the "Armenian morality against the government" on the one hand, on the other hand, with the support of the "kufar unity" of the time, "coercive" piles up and put "dynamite bombs here and there" to massacre the civilians ruthlessly. (4)

As today's "tolerance" and "dialogue" parasiticists ramp up the separatists, who have no "problem" other than tearing the homeland to pieces and rubbing oil on the bread of the kufar, with their "right" and "freedom" indoctrination and bring them to the top of the people with their own hands; Sultan II. When Abdulhamid Khan was dethroned and the second "legitimacy was declared", (5) the so-called "intellectuals" who were the "rights" and "freedom" of that time, solved their "problems" (!) And their "rights" (? Armenians were often cut off on the way to obtain them.

Just as the fool of today embraces everyone who comes before them with "feelings of solidarity", without distinguishing between "tolerant" Muslims and infidels; Because of these foolish attitudes of these "rights and freedoms", they went so far as to "hug and kiss Muslim and 'Îsevî and Mûsevî, bi'l sentence efrâd-ı nation." (6) However, as these brainless people think, Since these images of "dialogue" are "apparent rather than sincere", this "tolerance" skullcap was dropped and each of them became a bandit on the head of the state, in fact, "every tribe, every congregation was recorded as favoring the interests of their nation. falling ”. (7)

As a matter of fact, the Armenians who did not drop the refrain of "We are barebred until we die!" “Work for Armenia, do not be afraid of anything! Our Fedâ is enough for us! I hope that you will benefit from the support (support) of foreigners in Hîn-i Hâcet! " (9) drooling from their mouths: “We will cut Islam whenever it happens, we will not be afraid anymore! They did not hesitate to repeat the threat of "the old arbors are not forgotten!" (10)


The Painful Recurrence of History:
As today, the powers of the police are deliberately and deliberately limited by the "kufar unity"; In the last years of the Ottoman Empire, "the only thing the government could do was to judge those who fired their weapons and those who made our mischief to shayi (fuss) with police ma'rifet, der-support". (11) Because of this "limited authority", "the government and opposing the police for an individual "has become fashionable" to the extent of being considered "permissible". (12) Moreover, in such a critical and insecure environment, no matter how many political "criminals" tended to overthrow religion and the state, "'afv-ı umûmî" (13) It had become such that the slogan of "freedom", which was a gum in the mouths of the "intellectuals", was now used "to do whatever everyone wants." (14)


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