orta asya türk kavimler göçü

MIGRATION OF CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH CROPS. It was revealed that the first owners of North and South America were the Turkish tribes that came with the migration of Turkish tribes from Central Asia. Pre-Columbian Immigration to America We were always told that the first Christopher Columbus and the Spaniards discovered America. Even so many people know that it is. There are theories and findings on the migration of Mongols, Japanese, Chinese, Etruscans (or Egyptians), Vikings, 1 Gaul prince and Muslim Arabs. think. The reason why historians attribute the presence of Native Americans to immigration is that people suddenly appeared on the American continent. No human remains were found before the 40000s, and there are no human and neanderthal remains, especially in Europe and Asia. This situation and some findings have led historians to produce migration theories. The first immigration is estimated to start in the 3rd century BC. from Eskimo and Aleuts stay in the north. Those who come by way are mongoloid type Asian people. This is the ancestor of modern-day Indians. It is claimed that there are two more ways to migrate out of the bering route. from Gibraltar to Mexico via Atlas. In 1969, the famous Danish archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl set out from Egypt on a primitive boat, named RaII, and reached the Gulf of Veracruz in Mexico. His aim was to prove that it was possible to go to America in the same way in 1200 BC. One of the most plausible theories. According to him, the Egyptians had gone to America. K.Ö. The most powerful theories of migration to America are those related to Turkish immigration. Cultural and physical similarities between Turks and Indians. The language, legends, art works are surprisingly similar. I give short examples because it is a separate subject. 320 words like kut; Similarities of the Ergenekon-Kapaktokon epics, similarities of Navajo-Anatolian rugs.How to discuss whether or not the Turks went on this issue. Human fossils that do not resemble the normal Indian type in a separate proof that the Turks have migrated. but also not a hair color seen in the Egyptians) Historians who think that the Etruscans are Turkish connect the Turkish traces of the Indians to the Etruscans. dahl showed the way to the Americas by going to Atlas and there K.Ö. Olmek, which is the first of the American civilizations, established the Turkish civilization. Another immigration that needs to be examined is the discovery of America by the Vikings, which we cannot call immigration. Red Eric, one of the chiefs of the island of Greenland, finds an island covered with forests one day when he loses his way. They return to the United States with their crew, take off to New Fondland in the north of Boston. A new massacre begins in the next village. Fortunately, their small number causes their colonies to fail and the massacres of the Indians are postponed for up to 450 years. The first name father of ka. Tyrker (Tirker), who is estimated to be Hungarian or Turkish, among the Vikings.


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