orta asya türk kavimler göçü

Dear Friends, Migrations from Central Asia thousands of years ago have taken place all over the world
            Central Asia The place where Turkishness exists and is born is always referred to as Central Asia.
            As a result of the dry land of the wetlands, there was a great migration and these migrations were far from North and South America.
            These migrations took place to the East, Europe and even to Africa, and all the tribes involved in these migrations were Turkish.
            These tribes crossed the Bering Strait and reached the American continent.
            thousands of years ago, the Turkish tribes did not have the concept of race and nation.
            oba and ancestral ties define themselves with tribal and tribal names on the developing and changing world
            have assumed belonging to different races and nations, assuming that they belong to different races.
            this information is academic knowledge and it is all proven that it is never a racism to explain it
            16 million 600 thousand people would not take care of these writings love you all respect this writing string in the world
            love brotherhood kinship has revealed that those who do not want this to be heard
            they d



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