All the material and spiritual values ​​created in the historical, social development process and the means used to create them and to convey them to the next generations, showing the measure of human sovereignty to the natural and social environment. [2] "
Sociologically, culture is the social heritage that we learn from people. There are two processes in the formation of culture; In the first process, human is in a passive and receptive position. He lives in a certain geographical environment and meets his nutritional and shelter needs there. This preliminary relationship with nature, that is, the knowledge, language, behaviors and material production and consumption tools acquired in accordance with its needs, emerges as the first stage in the creation of culture. In the second stage, the human gets out of the receiving position and starts to produce; that is, it participates as an active and active force in the environment. This process began with the creation of the first tools and accelerated with the Neolithic Age. Culture is a component of social structure whose acceleration increases with accumulation. Increasingly, each generation makes a material and moral contribution to the culture it inherits and leaves it to the next ones.

For individuals, the way in which judgment, pleasure and criticism skills are developed through learning and experiences is called that person's culture. The word culture is also used to describe the information acquired by the individual.
Cultural communication in society if cultures differ in education Social peace cannot be achieved Social structures have been completed
high level of culture in the country and is not fooling nobody's fool nobody but Ramamlan any countries such as Turkey and rated education
The culture has become a threat to public health Proliferation of psychological and neural diseases Increased suicide
social incidents occur in countries where cultural awareness is not fully formed.
no power in the countries where it develops no politics can impose something it doesn't want to impose
this blind and beleaguered conviction with unmarried society is the events that occur in the course of many lives, in other words, it has not been able to establish its social development and cultural structure in the politics of ignorance and religion.
countries and societies cannot understand the troubles and crises they have experienced Today events in Chile Social movements are related to this society and culture
Today Chile is a rich country among South American countries. It suffers from poverty due to the practices of politicians and politicians.
and because they act solely for the exploitation of the wealth of the country,
culture is the sine qua non of societies to open up the way for social and cultural consciousness.
they have to learn I support and support the social movement in Chile


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