Dear Turkish friends, I would like to say to the Hungarian Turancans that according to the migration of Turkish tribes to Central Asia
   Many of the tribes involved in these migrations are Turkish tribes today.
   What jobbik should do should not be limited to Hungary, Turan should be told to the world very well.
   These days the Huns, the sons of Attila, have reached all over the world from the East to the West.
   Basque region was the place where the Huns were concentrated We carried this issue to the world and we continue to tell you
   We walk with more strength we are giving great struggle in Turkey and Central Asia the actual date
   Turan is a great Turkish ideal and also a great Turkish country.
   karaçay and hun noble Turk, if you do not accept us, we are blood brothers with you
   Islam never accepts the distinction of Christianity Turkishness is a race and religion is an event chosen by people
   karaylar, sekeller, hunlar.vikingler, tuva, s, gagavuz s all of these people are Turkish species, but their religion is different
   Dinin Turan has nothing to do with it.


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Karaçay - Çerkesya