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Huns, Circassians, Turks are the same line.

Although we do not accept Circassians as Turks, Hungarian, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish historians and

we are a Turkish people with certainty that the Circassians and the Huns

one of us is related to the Communities we have shown in their research, but some,

There is a small minority of our Circassian groups claiming that they are not Turks, but that is true.

and the fact that we are members of the Turkish tribe of utuk.


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Güneş Newspaper, 22-26 August1990



The number of Caucasians who have been expelled from their homeland and exiled 126 years ago is around a million ...

Adigeler or children of the other sea


A new friend of mine who has learned that I am a Circassian, even though we have met for a long time, recently put a tape in my hand and said, "Listen to this, you will like it."

In the evening, when I went home and started listening to the tape, familiar, warm melodies that I had forgotten or forgot that I'd forgotten years ago were spread to my room. The heavy tunes of Circassian music revived the entertainment of summer nights.

Yes, these are especially in summer; If the familiar wedding, meeting, the circulating days, melodies remaining about 30 years ago. But the pieces on the tape had strings, drums and piano unlike what I remember. The Caucasian music, which has a polyphonic character, was fully adapted to Western norms. Band is not in Turkey, was filled in the Adige Autonomous Region in the Caucasus.

But what's that dance music songs Circassians in Turkey was not able to play in an orchestra in this way. However, nearly one million Circassians and other Caucasian peoples lived in our country.

So where were these people, what were they doing? What did they know about their origins and historical backgrounds? More importantly, Turkey, Circassians knew how much?

"The children of Oshhamafe", the idea of ​​writing articles about the Circassians, came out in search of answers to these questions.

The struggle of Circassians, who have been striving not to lose their language, customs and traditions for years, continues to be more intense. Many even consider returning to their homeland, the Caucasus, to avoid losing their cultural identity. Already from Turkey to the Caucasus and the Circassians have settled close to 100.

Contrary to popular belief with a broad historical background of the Circassians in Turkey, the Caucasus and adventure literally unexplainable doubt in a series of articles. But we can at least get to know these people we've forgotten.

While official history introduced the Circassians as Turks of the Caucasus, those living in the Turkish villages adjacent to the Circassian villages knew that they were a separate nation.

When the Circassians talk to each other, they ask, mis Are you Adyghe? ”Or“ Do you know Adygabze?. The Circassians call themselves Adige.

Behind the high mountains,

Where the clouds are wave-wave,

I have a village, in the shadow of the forests,

And I have mountains, I carry in my heart,

When I read the first quartet of the Circassian poet Raisa Ahmatova's poem about the love of homeland, I wondered why the country in that distant land was still dusk for us. Yet, neither the people behind Kaf Mountain knew enough the ancestors and their children who had been driven 126 years ago, nor were the exiles aware of their distant relatives.

Did he dump the Caucasian cavalry that looked like a Circassian file between the two continents, or did the cavalry leave him?

Who were the Circassians? How were they people? Where did they live and how did they live now? Were they able to maintain their cultural characteristics today? What did we know about their language, traditions, customs and customs?

We didn't know the other side of Kaf Mountain. There were many physical and political reasons for this. But what about the ones in Turkey? Circassians who were scattered around the Ottoman lands towards the end of the last century?

Circassians and official history

We've known them for many years, concubines in the palace, tough-looking, thin-tall men, young girls gliding like swans while dancing, and an old "Turkish boy." And we watched them as Kars Kars Team Kars on national or international folklore competitions on television, accompanied by the famous Ramadan drum.

While official history introduced them to us as the Caucasian Turks, until recently neither the Circassians nor the historians have told the truth. However, the inhabitants of the Turkish villages adjacent to the Circassian villages already knew and understood that they were a separate nation through practical experiments.

The fact that there is not a single word about this nation other than Circassian Ethem in the history books in schools - which is also negative - appears as a distinct feature.

Circassians, who are generally known to be extremely sensitive to customs, customs and traditions, believe that they are well known.


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