CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH FIGURES MIGRATION. PROF OLAF JOHANSEN The first owners of the North and the South Anciean have been found to be the Turkish tribes that came with the migration of the Middle Asian Turkish tribes. Pre-Columbian Immigration to America America has always told us that the first Christopher Columbus and the Spaniards had discovered America. Many still know that it is. But this is not the truth. Many Americans are thought to emigrate to America except the pre-Columbian American Indians. Mongols, Japanese, Chinese, Etruscans (or Egyptians), Vikings, 1 Gallic prince and Muslim Arabs have the theories and findings about the migration of the Turks. think. The reason why historians attribute the existence of Native Americans to immigrants is that the people of America have suddenly appeared. There were no human remains before the 40000s and there were no human and neanderthal remains, especially in Europe and Asia. This situation and some findings led historians to produce immigration theories. It is estimated that the first migrations started in BC30000.Bering throat was thought to be glacier or land at that time and the first immigrants were the first natives of America in this way. Eskimo and Aleut are staying in the north. Asian people with mongoloid types coming from the road. General copper bands close to red skin, light slanting and dark eyes, black and straight hair, slanted cheekboned and sharp-nosed face These first arrivals are the ancestors of modern-day Indians. There are two other ways of immigration outside the path of land. It is argued that South Asia through the Pacific Ocean, or from Polynesia to South America - that the findings related to this theory are very few. to Gibraltar across the Atlantic to Mexico. In 1969, the famous Danish archaeologist, Thor Heyerdahl, set out from Egypt in a rudimentary boat called RaII and reached the Gulf of Veracruz, Mexico. He may have thought that the Indians had learned the pyramid making from the Egyptians who went to America. But Ord.Prof.Dr. K.Ö. The most powerful theories about the migrations of America are the ones related to Turkish migration. The cultural and physical similarities between the Turks and the Indians. 320 words such as a box; The similarity of the Ergenekon-Kapaktokon epics, the similarity of the Navajo-Anatolian rugs, and the similarities between the Turks and the debates on the subject. Human fossils that do not resemble the normal Indian type in a separate proof of the migration of the Turks. historians, who think that the Etruscans are Turkish, bind the Turkish traces of the Indians to the Etruscans. dahl showed the way to Atlas of America and reached there by way of K.Ö. The first of the American civilizations, the Olmek civilization was established. Another immigration that needs to be explored is the fact that the Vikings, who we cannot refer to as immigration, discover America. One day when the Red Eric, one of the conductors of Greenland, lost his way, he finds an island covered with forests. Crew comes to America again, to New Fondland in the north of Boston. Then they organize flights to America again in 1009 and 1012 and they set up a short-time colony. When they encounter villages in Turkey they kill everyone except one person in the village. They cut off their ears and watch the next village to go and watch it. A new massacre begins in the next village. Tyrke (Tirker), who is known to be Hungarian or Turkish, is among the vikings.


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