People who first reached North America did not know that they had set foot on a new continent. Probably, they had been hunting on the Siberian coast like their ancestors had done for thousands of years, and then they had crossed the land bridge. (At a time when the sea level is 90 meters below the present in the Late Ice Age and Siberia and Alaska are still connected to each other by the now steeped Beringia continent).
The ice corridor from Alaska to the plains was not covered with vegetation, and therefore it was impossible for people or animals to live, so the first settlers moved east and south along the Alaska continental shelf. The first North Americans had to pass thousands of years to cross the passages between the glaciers and reach the southern regions of the United States.
These first guests settled in the North American continent between 13,500 and 13,000 BC, are called Clovis People. (It is estimated that these people were the first examples of the Paleo-Indian culture). The culture developed at that time is called Clovis Culture because it is located near the city of Clovis in New Mexico.

In summary, America was discovered 15,000 years ago. Everyone agrees that only modern man, Homo sapiens sapiens, is settled in America. Over a hundred years of hard work, Neanderthals, such as the old people have revealed that there are no traces.

The American who came first to the Europeans was far from being an empty part of nature. According to today's estimates, in the Western Hemisphere in those days, as much as 40 million people lived in Western Europe.

Today, in the region where the US is located, it is thought that 18 million Indians lived during the first European colonies.
Native North Americans and / or Indians in Central Mexico led agriculture and raised corn, zucchini and beans. The knowledge and experience gained in this regard slowly spread to the north. New Mexico's river valleys began to grow corn. After that, the first signs of irrigation and village life were seen.
In the first centuries AD, in today's Arizona - Phoenix, the Hohokums in Ohio, Hopewellians, the Mississippi, the Anasazis, the ancestors of the contemporary Hopi Indians in the present Southwest US, were the most civilized of the pre-Columbian American Indians.

AZTEK (Mexico) -MAYA-REVERS (Peru)
Mesoamerica is a region extending from Mexico to Costa Rica. When Christopher Columbus made his way to the continent that would later be called America, there were civilizations that had attained a very high level of civilization. In the present Mexico, Central America and the Antilles, in the northern and central parts of the Ant mountains, between 1.800 and 300 BC, it is seen that in Central America complex cultures rise. In the region, many city-states, kingdoms and empires emerge, and the five prominent civilizations that are constantly fighting each other can be mentioned. In the high plateaus of Mexico, Toltek and Aztec, in the Antilles, Karaip, in present-day Colombia, there were also Incan civilizations on the Chibeha, Peru and Bolivia islands. Between the years of 1438 and 1533, the Incas were the only rulers of the region.

SÖMÜRGECİLİK If unknown, the discovery of America is incomprehensible.

The first colonialism began with sea voyages starting at the end of the 15th century. The sea cruises were organized by the Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms, and the Portuguese moved to the South along the west coast of Africa.

Historians divide colonialism into three historical periods, usually in Europe and in particular in England.
The first period continues from the end of the seventeenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century and is called the Old or Colonial Imperialism. The process of turning the Loquat into a colonial colony, especially the continent, and the American continent, characterizes this period in the best way.
The Second Period continues from the 1830s to the 1880s and is called the Free Trade Colonialism (Laisez de’affaire). Colonialist states, particularly England; The process of economically transforming backward and non-industrialized states, such as the Ottoman, China and Iran.


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