
Nos instan a protestar en todo el mundo y no hay gente, ningún país piensa diferente, que olsada han adoptado diferentes vistas de un siyek contra dom okratik quienes se oponen a oponerse a la destrucción de alguna manera te muestras respaldado-Abd Venezuela también hizo la protesta golpe Deje mustafaveli108simplesite.co I adatepe341blogspot.co I
US urge to protest all over the world y no people, no country thinks differently, I olsada have adopted different views of a siyek anti dom okratik those who oppose oppose the destruction somehow you show yourself Abd-backed Venezuela also made the coup protest Let mustafaveli108simplesite.co I adatepe341blogspot.co I
ABD yi tüm dünya yı protesto etmeye çağırıyorum hiçbir insan hiçbir ülke farklı düşünüyor diye farklı bir siyesi görüş benimsemiş olsada anti dom okratik birşekilde yok edilmesine karşıyım karşı olanlar kendini göstersin Abd destekli venezüella da yapılan darbe girişimini protesto edelim mustafaveli108simplesite.com adatepe341blogspot.com
Queridos amigos, ¿cómo están ustedes durante años, Sudamérica, Europa o el mundo?      Hablé sobre la migración de las tribus de Asia Central en todo el lugar y llegué a millones de personas      no hay necesidad de google + plus tan y facebook tan millones de amigos se convirtieron en mi amigo y en todos ellos mindfaveli108simplesite.com.@adatepe341instigram.
MISSION OF THE CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH FIGHTERS The work of the migration of Central Asian Turkish tribes is an academic scientific history research that needs to be read and facts stored for millions of years adingpe341blogspot.com mustafaveli108simplesite.com.@adatepe341
I tolerate a Turkish khan Granddaughter Based on Central Asia and Caucasus it was for it, and run the Central Asia I'm telling the truth and explores the history of Caucasus as plain and simple as it is right now my internet world, or I'm telling my .mustafaveli108simplesite.co You know to reach the read address adatepe341blogspot.co
CENTRAL ASIAN TURKISH FIGURES MIGRATION. The migration of Central Asian Turkish tribes The world is a historical fact The first migrations started after 200-250 and continued until 600-800. The largest of the events brought by this migration was the establishment of the Western Hun empire. Babürşah is the truth in the West of the Supreme Turkish khan of Atilla has established the Western Hun As a result of these migrations many folks emerged Originally ancestors of Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and other nations Ancestors of many nations who live in Europe are Turkish tribes Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark His ancestors are Turkish tribes Turkish ancestors of many nations living in Central Europe the Teutons, the Teutons, the Tatars, the Huns and all other tribes Turkish tribes of the American continent Turkish tribes crossing the Bosphorus are the first owners of the American continent, and are known as indios or Indians, and are the first people of the continen